
Here are the rules of the Fourth Annual BSC/UPC HPC Hackathon:
  • The official language for the BSC/UPC HPC Hackathon is English.
  • This year the competition will be in groups of 2 or 3 people.
  • There are three different main topics :
    • Accelerated Computing
    • Parallel Programming
    • Software Security
  • All the code produced during the event by the participants will be BSD licensed.
  • The code presented to you may be property of BSC and/or UPC and subject to closed-source restrictions.
  • Participants will commit their code in a git repository that will be set up by the organizers.
  • The code produced will be evaluated on 4 points : performance, effectiveness, quality and speed
  • Participants should code and comment their code in English.
  • Participants should bring their own laptop with a Unix system installed (no particular hardware is needed - you will be accessing our GPU-equipped cluster via ssh).


Required : Git, C, C++, Python, Unix, shell, bash, openMP, CUDA or openACC.
Optional*: MPI, OmpSS.
* You will be presented problems in which knowledge of one or more of these programming languages will be valuable. The more you know, the more problems you will be able to solve! But don't worry - we do not expect anyone to know everything, so you'll have plenty of tasks to choose from!

For questions please send an email to leonardo (dot) bautista (at) bsc (dot) es

Good luck and good coding!